The Nationale Postcode Loterij

Plan International and the Nationale Postcode Loterij. Together for a better future for girls.

nationale postcode loterij

Plan International and the Nationale Postcode Loterij

Plan Netherlands has been a partner of the Postcode Loterij since 1998. With its annual contribution of € 3.15 million, Plan ensures sustainable development, better living conditions and future opportunities for girls and boys in developing countries.

Nationale Postcode Loterij Goed Geld Gala
Fotocredits: Roy Beusker Fotografie

Goed Geld Gala 2018

At the annual Goed Geld Gala in the Royal Theater Carré in Amsterdam, the Postcode Loterij distributes money raised from participants to charities. Plan Netherlands was one of the beneficiaries, receiving the wonderful amount of € 3,150,000. With this contribution Plan can implement projects that contribute to better living conditions and future chances for children, with special attention to equal rights and opportunities for girls.

“We are incredibly happy with this contribution,” said Monique van ’t Hek, director of Plan Netherlands. “Thanks to the Postcode Loterij, we can do even more for girls and young women in developing countries. For example, we can help to prevent teen pregnancies and child marriages in Nicaragua and Brazil. By combining football for girls with workshops on gender inequality, sexual rights and knowledge about their own bodies, we can support girls to determine for themselves if, when and with whom they want to marry and have children. With the support of Postcode Loterij, we can help to combat child trafficking in Bangladesh, India and Nepal through a cross-border alarm system. These are just some examples of the more than 70 projects to which the Postcode Loterij contributes. We thank all participants of the Postcode Loterij for their contribution!”

Examples of projects made possible by the Nationale Postcode Loterij:

A serious business

In 2014 Plan Netherlands received an extra contribution of more than € 2 million for the project “A serious business”. In Uganda almost a third of girls do not go to school when they have their period, as they do not have good sanitary napkins and there are no sanitary facilities at school. Missing a week of school every month means they fall so far behind that they often drop out altogether. This makes it harder for them to find employment and be financially independent. With support from the Postcode Loterij, Plan is tackling this problem in the regions of Lira and Kamuli.
Read more about this project (Dutch)

Missing Child Alert

DThanks to the Postcode Loterij’s contribution in 2011, Plan was able to carry out a groundbreaking project against child trafficking in Bangladesh, India and Nepal.
In developing countries, trade in children is a terrible problem. In India alone, between 300,000 and 600,000 children disappear each year. They are sold to brothels, employed in sweatshops and factories, or killed for their organs. To help stop child trafficking in India, Nepal and Bangladesh, Plan developed a cross-border alarm system. Plan ambassador Daphne Bunskoek visited the project in Nepal for the Postcode Loterij program Kanjers van Goud in October 2012.

Read more about this project (Dutch)

Skating for Water

Every year, Plan Netherlands organizes the national student campaign Skating for Water. Thousands of Dutch schoolchildren take to the ice rink to promote safe drinking water for their peers in Africa, raising money by asking family and friends to sponsor them. In the run-up to the campaign, parents and their children learn about drinking water issues, worldwide and in Africa. The Postcode Loterij finances the development of teaching materials, among other things.
In 2017, the promotion raised more than € 230,000 for children and their families in Ethiopia. The proceeds go to water and sanitation projects at primary schools. In previous years, the event made possible water and sanitation projects in Zambia, Malawi and Uganda.

Read more about this project (Dutch)


By participating in the Postcode Loterij you support Plan International and 111 other charities. Half of your investment goes to organizations working for people and nature.


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