Public campaign for gender equality and children’s rights

Companies are important players in society. Their products and services, branding and marketing, all influence consumers’ behaviour and preferences. That makes it very important that companies speak out against gender inequality and stereotypes. Plan International would like to cooperate with you to develop public campaigns.

Would you like to participate?
Yes, contact me (form in Dutch)

Girls get Equal

Girls get equal

Many girls are disadvantaged, ignored or abused. Plan International wants all girls to have the freedom to be themselves and live as they want. Girls get equal.

How you can join us

You can participate in Plan International’s Girls Get Equal campaign Girls Get Equal-campagne van Plan International or the Don’t Look Away campaign Don’t Look Away-campagne – launched in the Netherlands with the Ministry of Security and Justice, the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee, the police, the ANVR (General Dutch Association of Travel Companies), TUI Benelux, ECPAT, Meldpunt Kinderporno op Internet, Terre des Hommes, Plan International Netherlands and Free a Girl.

Or you can take part in the Girls Take Over promotion, marking the International Day of the Girl by allowing your company to be taken over for a day by a girl or young woman. Find inspiration here.

Do you want Plan International to contact you for more information? Send an e-mail to


Contact me (form in dutch)

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